
CACTC to participate in Menu for Success Food Truck initiative

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 12

Cranston Public Schools (CPS) announced December 21 that the school district has been selected as one of 13 districts to participate in the Menu for Success food truck initiative. Through a grant initiative presented through the MBE (Minority Business Enterprises) Working Group, the school district’s Cranston Area Career and Technical Center (CACTC) will launch a brand new food truck operated by students and offering collaboration opportunities between several receive. of our CTE (Career and Technical Education) program.

According to Ken Hopkins Jr., Director of CACTC, cross-disciplinary collaboration will drive the initiative’s success.

“Determining and creating dishes for food trucks through the Culinary Program; designing marketing plans through the Entrepreneurship Program; wrapping trucks in fun designs through the Graphic Communication Program; creating online advertisements through the Interactive Digital Media Program. Get Cranston students in the driver’s seat of this innovative venture offered by RIDE, including: [Rhode Island Department of Education]said Hopkins. “Plus, we look forward to embracing the spirit of competition with the first food truck cook-off at her WaterFire event next year, an educator, which includes all 12 district food truck winners. join.”

According to RIDE, the $1.625 million initiative by the School Building Authority Capital Fund will “offer internship and employment opportunities, games and workplace concessions, participation in community events, fundraising and community service opportunities, and more.” It will benefit the whole community.”

RIDE’s successful menu presentation, presented to the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education on December 20, showed that RI’s foodservice sector accounted for over 75,000 jobs and $4.2 billion in sales in 2020. RIDE noted that the state is lagging behind in creating opportunities for Latinos and other people of color to own and operate restaurants. The presentation said only 2% of her 14,000 restaurants in Rhode Island are owned by people of color. Therefore, creating opportunities is essential.

Superintendent Janine Nota Masse expressed excitement about the district’s latest opportunity to offer CPS students real-life, authentic learning opportunities and experiences that benefit them beyond high school.

“I appreciate the opportunity to expand student learning, especially through the CTE program,” she said. “This is an exciting way for students to gain real-world experience with innovative business models.”

Hopkins said the opportunity will allow CPS students to connect with other food truck restaurateurs across the state.

“I look forward to sharing my entrepreneurial spirit with my students and joining the vibrant community of food trucks now operating in Rhode Island,” he said. “Keep an eye out for more information on CPS food trucks as we progress towards the end of the school year.

Other participating districts include Central Falls, Chariho, Coventry, Davis Career & Technical High School, East Providence, Lincoln, Newport, Pawtucket, Providence, Warwick, Westerly and Woonsocket.

For more information on the Food Truck Initiative, visit

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