
WEATHER: Travel conditions improving areawide

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 5

Travel conditions improved significantly from Monday to the West 6th. Chuck Samples/KVOE News.

Travel conditions have not completely returned to normal after the thinning of winter rain on Christmas night, but conditions should improve significantly on Monday and continue to improve on Tuesday.

Emporia’s main city streets saw a lot of improvement throughout the day, with temperatures soaring into the low 20s and plenty of sunshine. High-traffic residential areas have also improved, and side streets that are not fully shaded have improved considerably. The side streets where the sun doesn’t shine remain frozen. That said, local travel conditions have improved, and Emporia Police concluded a special reporting procedure for the crash that was unharmed early Monday afternoon.

The main roads in the Lyon County Deputy Doug Stump area are now largely cleared.

On Interstate 35 east of Kansas Highway 130 Junction, US Highway 50 west of Saffordville, US 75 south of BETO Junction, and Kansas Highway 177 south of Strong City: There are some seasonal driving conditions, meaning isolated patches of ice.

Conditions on Tuesday saw temperatures range from 35 degrees to 23 degrees in an hour, with a large number of uninjured slips and a small number of reported injuries occurring across the region on Sunday night just after the start of the winter mixture. In contrast to Monday morning, which rose to A large area of ​​intact wreckage rounds.

Travel conditions should improve again on Tuesday with temperatures reaching highs of 40 degrees, sunshine and occasional breezes. Thursday’s remaining snow could be gone by Wednesday as highs hit 50 degrees.

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