
Southwest Airlines begins recovering from mass travel disruptions

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 2

After days of delays and cancellations, Channel 5 News’ Cassandra Garcia is finally back in the Rio Grande Valley.

Garcia was one of the hundreds of thousands of passengers affected by more than 15,000 canceled Southwest Airlines flights.

Related: Channel 5 news reporter struggles to get home amid mass cancellations at Southwest Airlines

The Dallas-based airline began canceling and delaying flights starting Thursday, December 22nd.

Harlingens Valley International Airport (the only one serving the southwest) did not have any flights canceled on Friday, but reportedly had some delays.

Nicolás Mirman, VIA’s director of aviation services and business development, said the recent Southwest cancellations added to the busy holiday season of travel.

“We used to expect it to be fully booked, but everyone who has been rescheduled is trying to find a seat,” Mirman said. “We are expecting double full flights this weekend.”

Related: Calm day after a week of chaos at Southwest Airlines

Those affected by the Southwest travel disruptions can submit a form online to request a refund or reimbursement.

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