Here are three positive travel trends from industry experts.
Belinda Hindmarsh – EVP and Chief Growth Officer
Sustainability will be an even bigger focus for many companies in 2023. In a recent survey of a number of clients, two-thirds said that sustainability has become more important post-pandemic. One of the first hurdles to clear is setting goals and finding a path to achieving them. This is a journey that takes many large corporate customers.
Change starts at the top, but we all have a role to play. That’s why we use analytics tools to give you more information at the booking stage. With the help of meaningful data, travelers can see, for example, the emissions generated on a particular trip. This visibility helps travelers make more informed decisions and contribute to the company’s sustainability goals.
Joel Hanson – Senior Director, Innovation Business Development CWT
With 2023 just around the corner, there are countless reasons to be optimistic about our industry. One reason is the simple fact that we are once again enabling human connection in full, vibrant 3D Technicolor. I’ve noticed that face-to-face contains at least 100 times more data than web conferencing tools. With few alternatives to body language and facial cues, we believe face-to-face is the ultimate premium technology moving forward.
That said, the business travel industry can enter 2023 with an increasing optimism not only about reconnecting the world, but how it is doing it. We are at the foot of a new era marked by a conscious shift to business travel. For me, mindful business travel is the megatrend of 2023 and beyond, and there are many new signs of this megatrend.
Ian Cummings – Global Head CWT Meetings & Events
Despite economic uncertainty and geopolitical turmoil at record highs, the meetings and events industry is better prepared than ever to weather any storm. Using available technology allows the industry to continue to thrive, whether it’s in person, virtual events, or a combination of the two. This allows you to coordinate cost controls, handle rapid and abrupt changes, and facilitate critical corporate communications.
Retreats and incentives are high on the priority list for many companies. In the last 12 months, there has been a 65% increase in incentivized live in-person meetings. That time is a precious commodity is nothing new, but it’s more important than ever to focus so intensely on how we spend our time. We have seen the emergence of new brands by allowing teams to be together in quiet spaces where attendees can concentrate, think, innovate and create, away from the . Among leading brands’ portfolios, lifestyle retreats focused on building an agenda that includes health, sustainability, farm-to-table dining and time to relax are growing in popularity.
And finally, if the last two and a half years have taught us anything, it’s that face-to-face power is priceless. And as flexible working becomes the new normal, companies need to do more to reunite teams and invest in all-important relationships.
About CWT
CWT is a business-to-business (B2B4E) travel management platform. Businesses and governments trust us to keep their employees connected anywhere, anytime, and in any way, providing them with innovative technology and efficient, safe travel experiences across six continents. doing.
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