
PBS travel host Samantha Brown visits Chattanooga and discovers why it’s a place to love

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Chattanooga’s scenic beauty is about to grab national attention in the New Year.

PBS travel host Samantha Brown spent four days here in May filming her finds for an episode of the Emmy-winning show “The Places Samantha Brown Loves”.

In his 20 years of travel, Brown has visited over 250 cities in over 60 countries. An average of 3 million viewers tune in to her show every week, following her road trips to famous places and off-the-beaten-path hidden gems.

So when she declares these destinations “Chattanooga piles up,” it’s a thumbs up for success.

Chattanooga Tourism Company originally selected Brown as the keynote speaker for the 2022 Chattanooga Tourism Summit.

“As the world returns to travel, we wanted a keynote that could share a unique approach to travel and inspire the community. After reviewing Samantha for the summit,” We had the opportunity to host Samantha Brown for an episode of “The Places We Love,” said Chattanooga Tourism, Inc. said Barry White, President and Chief Executive Officer.

The Tourism Agency has compiled a list of potential filming locations that illustrate “what makes our community so special.” Brown’s team researched these recommendations and made the final selections. rice field. Members of the Chattanooga Tourism Team were on hand during filming to assist when needed and to answer questions.

“It was an honor to host Samantha and her team twice, and to have her highlight some of the experiences that have made the people of Chattanoogan love their community,” said White. ‘ said.

Sometimes it takes a fresh perspective of an outsider to remind the people of Chattanoogan of the beauty of their surroundings. When Brown previewed her episode in her phone interview, she was clearly impressed by the inclusion and emphasis of nature in Chattanooga culture.

Here’s why she thinks Chattanooga is a place she loves.

Chatter Magazine: What are your criteria for choosing places to visit?

Samantha Brown: Variety and Diversity. I love to show people that places they might never have thought of can be visited with something for everyone and at an affordable price.

Chatter: What did you do in Chattanooga?

Brown: We combined nature and downtown attractions.i loved [Tennessee] The aquarium is groundbreaking not only for its exhibits, but also for its conservation efforts. I had never been to a freshwater aquarium.

Rock City’s rock formations are a masterpiece! I live in Brooklyn, but not here.

It turns out that rock climbing and hang gliding are rooted in Chattanooga culture. I don’t rock climb, so I went to High Point Climbing and Fitness.

One of our favorite places to visit was the International Towing & Recovery Museum. We liked the quirky aspect of it, but we also liked that it pays homage to the history of towing and tow operators.People don’t realize how dangerous the job can be.

Chatter: In fairness, what do you think are Chattanooga’s most marketable features?

Brown: Connecting with the outdoors. During the pandemic, we have witnessed a massive withdrawal from cities. People wanted to live in the countryside. Now people are back, but they still want to live with nature.

I loved how Chattanooga blended access to nature with a vibrant city. In most cities, people have to go miles outside the city to seek nature. But in Chattanooga, the river is right by downtown, and Lookout His Mountain is right behind it. Chattanooga is connected to nature, which is unusual. The city will figure out what it is.

Chatting: What impressed you the most?

Brown: People. Chattanooga was home to good-natured, easy-going people. We went for a walk as soon as we arrived and everyone was so friendly.

I really loved people because I was talking to Natali Rogers (Tennessee Aquarium Director of Learning and Assessment). Bill Hughes (Tennessee Aquarium Herpetology Coordinator) has dedicated his life to turtle conservation. I was.

I really like the Reflection Riding Arboretum & Nature Center and what they do to protect the chestnut trees. We took a swinger (electric off-road vehicle) tour of the grounds. They are one of the few places in the US to have them. i loved it! Because it is all electric, it passes through the arboretum without making a sound. It’s like being one with nature.

I loved how all these people protected these little pieces of paradise.

Chatter: How does the travel industry view the post-pandemic situation?

Brown: I think people in the industry will do better with more services cheaper and better services. We have seen people on trips where he paid 3x to 4x he paid and got half the service. This applies to airfare, meals, accommodation, everything.

I don’t think people are going to take it. We want the experience we paid for. However, I find places that are understaffed, poorly run, and have long lines. We know that travel is necessary and fun. And I think people are going to be very discerning going forward.

Chat: What have you seen or experienced in Chattanooga that you would like to visit again?

Brown: Fried fish sandwiches from Uncle Larry’s Restaurant. Best fried fish I’ve ever had! When the cameras were off I asked for another. I ate two there. i’m still thinking about it.

Photo Credit: Adrianna Tavarez / In May, Samantha Brown spent four days in Chattanooga filming her finds for the episode “Samantha Brown’s Loving Places.”
Photo Photo by Adrianna Tavarez / Samantha Brown’s PBS Travel Show won two Daytime Emmy Awards.

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