Mossyny, Wisconsin (WSAW) – Winter in Wisconsin throws a lot at airports when it comes to making flights, especially landings, safer.
“The snowplow crews had a very difficult time with the ice and wet snow they faced last week,” says Mark Cihlar, CWA Assistant Airport Director.
They had missed their chance as snow fell and temperatures plummeted just before the holiday weekend. His CWA Maintenance Supervisor, James Wood, said: In fact, the staff was full during these two days, so it was really nice to have everyone on board. “
Precautionary measures like these are why CWA didn’t have to stop flying this winter. Management and maintenance personnel work together to ensure that all safety measures are up to date and in good working order.
“Kudos to our snowplow workers. No flights were lost because of the weather here,” says Cihlar. “We have the equipment, we have the FAA procedures and products, which we can use to ensure a safe environment.”
“We use granular and liquid, but it’s all corrosion protection for aircraft. Aircraft are made of aluminum,” explains Wood.
As for the airline, I play a role in CWA to ensure a smooth morning departure.
Cihlar says: He adds that it’s especially important during these peak travel times, when flights are full and pilots are scarce.
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