
7 Amazing Solo Traveler Stories From 2022 To Inspire Your Future Travels

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Does solo travel scare you or cheer you up? It can do both. Solo Her Traveler Some of the women featured in her journal had no intention of traveling on their own. Some people enjoy traveling alone and make friends along the way. Whatever their reasons, their adventures, tips, and “must haves” give us all a bird’s eye view of solo travel.

Deborah on a train in Sri Lanka

Photo credit: Deborah Ives

1. The Journey of a Lifetime

Deborah I. began her solo adventure after a divorce left her with a pre-planned trip to Borneo. She wasn’t going to give up just because she was alone.

“It was a wonderfully rewarding experience that gave me the confidence to continue traveling solo and truly embrace the freedom and enjoyment it brings.”

From there, she traveled around the world on her favorite solo trip to Sri Lanka.

“Sri Lanka is stunningly beautiful, has the most amazing culture and food, the friendliest people, amazing beaches, amazing wildlife and is very safe.”

Deborah never leaves home without Angel Balm. Multiple skin care products bundled in one of hers, perfect for travel. Read more about Deborah’s solo journey here.

2. Pouting was never an option

Carol S. loves to travel and chose a familiar place for her first trip: Rome. She’s been there with her friends, but she wanted to try it herself. She stayed there for three months.

“I was so excited about the opportunity to live in a place I love and had so much time to explore Italian cities and other places that are easily reachable by train. It’s always been my favorite because it proved that it can.”

Carol is very practical when it comes to her list of favorite travel items. She always carries a tablet, plugs in her adapter, and the address of the US Embassy. For more information on how to start traveling solo, check out Carol’s Solo Traveler Journal.

Bridget Heave traveling alone
Solo travel isn’t for everyone, but Bridget says, “Just do it!” For those who are considering.

Photo by Bridget Hieb

3. me time

Bridget H. is a big proponent of TLC. As her mother and her wife, her travels help her rejuvenate.

“Traveling alone sounds lonely, but it’s not. If you want to sit down and read a book, take a nap, or watch your favorite movie, you can do it without interruption!

Her favorite solo trip was to St. Augustine, Florida.

“The city is full of history, beautiful buildings and good restaurants. Bonus: the beach is just across the bridge!”

One thing Bridget always has is a pillow. You can read more about Bridget’s travels and advice in Solo in his Traveler Journal.

Nora on her first solo trip in Europe
Nora on her first solo trip in Europe

Photo credit: Nora Dunn

4. Eternal Solo Journey

Nora’s solo journey began with a disappointment and a breakup. But she turned it into the adventure of her lifetime. Nora used this opportunity to start her nomadic life. So when asked about her favorite trip, Nora replies that she is currently traveling. But there is one South American country that comes out on top.

“What makes Peru stand out is that it was a sharp left turn out of life, as I knew it when I was working in botanical medicine as a shaman’s apprentice for a few years. It was a huge leap in personal growth and a path I needed to walk alone.”

In addition to standard travel gear, Nora always carries a travel extension/surge protector.

“It helps keep all your devices charged, protected and handy, no matter how awkwardly placed or lacking an outlet.”

Nora also keeps a diary of her thoughts on group trips and advice on how to get started.

Usha in the ancient pyramids of Mexico
Usha in the ancient pyramids of Mexico

Photo credit: Usha Srinath

5. Favorite solo trip

Usah’s first solo trip was to Norway as a doctor. This was in stark contrast to her home country of India.

“I remember being very embarrassed because I had to get used to everything from buying a new wardrobe for a cold country, to changing planes twice on the way, to learning an unknown cooking term. But I survived.I can speak English comfortably most of the time.I feel more confident every time I travel and it has become a routine.”

When asked about her favorite solo trip, she didn’t hesitate.

“Southeast Asian cultures seemed to respect and care for their elders. At my hotel in Hanoi, a young lady at the reception volunteered to take me to the night market after work.”

Usah highly recommends at least one solo trip. Find out more about her journey here.

6. Learn to travel alone

Lori’s solo journey began when her traveling companions lost interest in traveling. She didn’t want to stop her adventure, so she bravely continued her adventure alone.

“For a long time, fear held me back until my yearning outweighed my fear.

Lori’s favorite trip was her first solo trip to Paris. She went with a group, but she didn’t know anyone before she left. Lori said the trip changed her life.

“I’m a shy, introverted person, so I was always afraid to expose myself. I became a different person. I gained confidence like never before. Walking alone on the streets of Paris I felt more like myself when I was there.”

Lori said it’s a bit obvious what she can’t let go of when she leaves the house. It’s her cell phone. But she counts on more than emails and taking pictures. She uses it as her GPS and reading companion. If she travels internationally, she always buys an international data SIM card through her Cellhire.

Find out more about Lori’s adventures here.

Tracy chartering a passenger plane as a solo traveler
Tracy chartering a passenger plane as a solo traveler

Photo credit: Tracey Tischler

7. Life is short

Life’s most difficult moments can change your life in ways you never dreamed possible. Tracy has suffered many losses from those closest to her. However, she used her heartache to drive her on a solo adventure.

“Material things are of little value to me. I wanted to spend my time and money on experiences rather than things.”

Tracey bought a van, modified it and hit the open road. She may be surprised by her favorite trip. she was!

“I can probably say that I visited a clothing free resort in Georgia! It wasn’t what I expected and the property was beautiful: 84 acres of trails and beauty.”

Tracey’s favorite travel accessory is her mobile phone. She especially likes her iOverlander app, which helps her find a place to sleep for the night. Most of her trips are boondocs and she doesn’t pay for parking anywhere. Find out more about her adventures here.

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