
Venezuela opposition removes interim President Guaido

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 2

CARACAS, Dec 30 (Reuters) – Venezuelan opposition parliament on Dec 30 sacked interim president Juan Guaidó and dismantled the government as it sought a united front ahead of elections scheduled for 2024. , voted to appoint a commission to manage the country’s foreign assets.

Guaidó has been the public face of Venezuela’s fierce opposition since 2019, invoking the constitution to become interim president and rejecting the 2018 re-election of President Nicolas Maduro as fraudulent by the United States and other governments. received the support of

But Maduro continues to control nearly every institution in Venezuela, including the security forces, and Guaido’s interim government, which controls some foreign assets and runs many embassies, has seen its support dwindle. I’ve seen

Three of the four main opposition groups – Justice First, Democratic Action, New Era – to oust Guaidó and control foreign assets, notably US-based refiner Citgo, a subsidiary of the state oil company I supported a bill to create a five-member committee. PDVSA.

Proponents say opposition control of foreign assets is not in jeopardy and the dissolution is necessary for pre-election unity.

“The tools already exist to protect US, UK and Portuguese assets,” said Justice First MP Juan Miguel Mateus.

Both the provision to abolish the Caretaker Government and the provision to create the Assets Committee were passed by 72 votes in favor, 29 against and 8 abstentions.

Guaido, whose Voluntad Popular party did not support the effort, urged lawmakers to replace him instead of dissolving the interim government.

“To abolish this is to dive into the abyss,” Guaidó told Congress after the vote. “You are destroying what could have been maintained.”

Opposition parties want Washington to extend the license to protect Citgo from possible foreclosure by creditors when the license expires in January.

Venezuela owes creditors more than $60 billion.

A spokesman for the US National Security Council said on Friday that the US will continue to support the opposition, Congress and the interim government “in whatever way”.

Reported by Mayela Armas and Vivian Sequera of Caracas, with additional reporting by Gary McWilliams. Written by Kylie Madley and Julia Sims Cobb.Editing by Grant McCool

Our standards: Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.

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