
Updates on Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s health

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VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI remains lucid, alert and stable, but his condition remains serious, the Vatican said Thursday.

According to a statement by Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni, Pope Francis asked for continued prayers “to accompany him in this difficult time.”

On Wednesday, Francis revealed that Benedict was “very ill” and went to see Benedict at his Vatican home where he had lived since retiring in 2013, raising concerns that he was dying. caused it.

The Vatican later said Benedict’s health had deteriorated in recent hours, but doctors were monitoring him and the situation was under control.

Benedict stepped down as pope in 2013 for the first time in 600 years, choosing to live in seclusion in a converted convent in the Vatican Gardens. Few expected him to last longer than his eight-year reign as pope.

Bruni said on Thursday that Benedict “was well rested last night, completely lucid and alert and today his condition remains serious, but at the moment the situation is stable.”

“Pope Francis renews his invitation to pray for him and accompany him in this difficult time,” he said.

In response to the call, the Diocese of Rome scheduled a special Mass in honor of Benedict on Friday at St. John Lateran, Benedict’s former basilica as Bishop of Rome. Cardinal Angelo de Donatis, the pope’s deputy, will celebrate.

Word of Benedict’s failing health immediately raised questions about what would happen when he died, with the unprecedented reality that the current pope could preside over the funeral of a former pope. When I think about it.

Most Vatican experts expect any funeral to resemble that of a retired bishop in Rome, although there are caveats that there will be an official delegation to honor the former head of state and a pilgrim from Germany. increase. from.

In Germany on Thursday, bishops called for prayer Some of the devotees made their way to the Grace Chapel in the town square of Altoetting, a major pilgrimage site a few miles from Benedict’s hometown of Marktor am Inn. He has visited many times in his life.

“I know he was preparing to return to the eternal world,” said Herbert Hoffauer, the retired mayor of the deeply Catholic town, who said he last saw Benedict this spring. “I think he’s very calm and looking forward to this encounter.”

At St. Oswald’s Church in Marktor, where Benedict was baptized, the head of the local congregation, Sandra Meyer, erected a framed photograph of the former pope and small devotees so that parishioners could kneel and pray for him. I have a seat.

Meyer said of Benedict’s health, she was “disturbed and deeply touched by the news.” rice field.

“I am proud to have the Pope of Bavaria here in Marktor,” said the 50-year-old Meyer, recalling meeting him personally twice. “He was a good man and a great Pope.”

The Vatican’s St. Peter’s Square was nearly full with international visitors on Thursday at the height of the Christmas tourist season, but some Italians were paying their respects, or at least prayers.

“Obviously it’s a bad situation. We are close to Pope Ratzinger. We are saddened by this situation, so we are here to make a small contribution.”

Another visitor to the square, Anna Mautzka, noticed Benedict’s advanced age and wished him well.

“Now I think he’s lived long enough. It’s a poor thing. He’s sick, so he’s not feeling well. If God wants him, he’ll take him away,” she said.

Otherwise, Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano headlined the news of Benedict’s health in its Thursday edition, but life continued as usual in the small city-state that Benedict and Pope Francis call home.

Francis had a seemingly routine day of audience Thursday, meeting with his ambassador to Madagascar, the commander of the Swiss Guard, and fellow Jesuits.

In the square, the line of tourists waiting to enter St. Peter’s Basilica almost completely surrounds the square, with couples and families posing for selfies in front of a life-size nativity scene and Christmas tree set up in the square. was taking

Small groups of nuns scurried across the cobblestones, flag-bearing tour guides ushered their flocks, and nearby souvenir shops touted Vatican magnets, rosaries, and a statue of Francis the Bobblehead.

“We didn’t hear the news,” said Liam Marchesano, a 22-year-old economics student from Mantua who was waiting to see the cathedral with his girlfriend. “This may be the reason for the long line.”


Kirsten Grieshaber contributed from Marktl Am Inn, Germany. Luigi Navarra and Joel Paqui contributed from Vatican City.

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