
Melania Trump was ‘upset’ at top White House aides: Grisham

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 4

Former First Lady Melania Trump distrusted most of her husband’s inner circle before the Jan. 6 Capitol riots, according to former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham’s testimony released Thursday. Instead, he was completely mad at Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.

In a newly released transcript of May’s depositions before the Jan. 6 commission, Grisham said Melania Trump had named White House officials including Rudy Giuliani, Sydney Powell and Jenna Ellis. said it had been “alarmed” to its legal counsel.

And she added that these fears extended to Trump’s son Donald Jr. and his wife Kimberly Guilfoyle, an adviser to the president, saying that Melania Trump told the panel, “Don Jr.’s father’s best interest I never believed they were doing things for their sake.”

However, according to Grisham, the first lady was “very angry” with Meadows both for his treatment and for allowing access to “people who could harm the president,” Grisham said. .

“And Mrs. Trump never liked people telling Trump what he wanted to hear, not the truth or reality of the situation.

Grisham was one of several members of the Trump administration who met with the committee multiple times on Jan. 6 during the House committee’s investigation.

Grisham also revealed that Trump and Meadows wanted to fire White House usher Tim Harless for being “dishonest” in secretly helping President Biden move to the White House. But Melania Trump urged her not to because she only had three weeks left at the inauguration, according to an interview.

Grisham said he also reached out to the staff of first lady-in-waiting Jill Biden to help with the transition.

Grisham’s account also detailed her frustration with Melania Trump during the Capitol riots, saying she was “disappointed” by Trump’s failure to respond to the violent riots on the Capitol. rice field.

“In my opinion, she started taking someone else’s Kool-Aid, so maybe this election was stolen,” Grisham said.

While Grisham watched the violence unfold in the Capitol, she said Melania Trump was busy with a “big photo shoot” with new carpet in the White House residence.

Grisham asked the first lady if she wanted to tweet that there was “no place for lawlessness and violence” during the riots, but Trump refused without explanation.Grisham decided to resign.

“I was just — I mean, I’m just f — like you. I mean, sorry for the transcription person. But I was so disappointed in her,” she said. “I’ve been more disappointed in her than ever because she had the opportunity to take on a real leadership role in her. And I think she sometimes influences her husband with this sort of thing.” I know it’s amazing.

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