
Jan. 6 transcripts: Trump wanted to trademark ‘rigged election’ and other key findings

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A Jan. 6 committee in the House of Representatives released transcripts of another series of witness interviews on Friday.

This new release is part of a series of transcript drops released over the past week by the House Select Committee and complements the release of a massive 845-page report.

The latest drop in minutes comes as the panel scales back its work with the House majority changing hands from Democrats to Republicans at the start of next week’s new Congress.

The minutes released so far reveal new details about how a House committee conducted its investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol, and what key witnesses told the panel. sheds new light on

Below are some of the highlights from the latest disclosure.

Trump wanted to trademark “Election Fraud!” Days after the 2020 election, an email provided to the commission on Jan. 6 shows

Then-President Donald Trump wanted to trademark the phrase “Rigged Election!” Days after the 2020 Election Day, according to an email Jared Kushner provided to the House Committee to Investigate the January 6, 2021 U.S. Capitol Riot.

On November 9, 2020, then-Trump aide Dan Scavino emailed Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Kushner with a request from Trump.

“Hey Jared! According to a transcript of Kushner’s testimony to the Commission, an email from Scavino said: Released by the Panel on Friday.

The email contained two phrases in bold: “Save America PAC!” And “Fraudulent Election!”

Kushner forwarded the request and discussed it in a series of emails, including with the president’s son, Eric Trump. Trump campaign attorney Alex Cannon. Sean Doleman, Trump’s 2020 campaign chief financial officer, and Justin Clarke, a Trump campaign attorney.

“Could you all please do it as soon as possible?” Kushner wrote.

Eric Trump said, “Both web URLs have already been registered. Save America PAC was registered on October 23rd of this year. Was it done by a campaign?”

Doleman replied: But we can still apply for Save America. ”

According to the transcript, Kushner’s response was “go.”

Ginny Thomas explains why she’s ‘fed up’ with Pence in a text sent days after Jan. 6

Virginia “Ginny” Thomas, a conservative activist and wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, said she was “disgusted” with then-Vice President Mike Pence in a Jan. 10, 2021 text. She told the committee that she was “disgusted” when she said she didn’t refer to his refusal to suspend the congressional recognition of Joe Biden’s victory, but rather that he was cheating. It refers to her frustration for not speaking out about the election allegations.There was no evidence of widespread election fraud in the election.

“I was frustrated that Vice President Pence thought he might concede earlier than what President Trump was willing to do,” Thomas said, according to minutes released Friday. rice field. “And I’d love to hear Vice President Pence talk more about fraud and cheating in certain states that I thought were still lingering.

“I wasn’t focused on the role of vice president on January 6,” she said, specifically whether the text (previously reported by CNN) was related to how he was treated that day. When asked

At another point in the interview, Democratic Maryland Rep. Jamie Ruskin asked Thomas what specific episode of fraud she was concerned about.

“I can’t say I was familiar with any particular evidence at the time,” she said, noting what she had heard from “friends in the field” and “grassroots activists” who “found suspicious things” at polling stations.

“I don’t know specific cases,” she said. “But I think we all know that some people are wondering what happened in 2020, and that it will take time to get the facts.”

The commission had limited questions about Ginny Thomas’ interactions with her husband and his role on the Supreme Court. Couples are bound by a duty of confidentiality in this area and are likely to refuse to answer questions.

Judge Thomas didn’t know she was texting Meadows, Ginny Thomas told investigators.

“He first found out I was texting with Mark Meadows in March when he was in the hospital and this commission released them,” she said in an interview. rice field.

Ginny Thomas regrets text message sent to Mark Meadows after 2020 election, told commission Jan. 6

Ginny Thomas told the House Select Committee that she regretted texting White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows after the election.

“I regret the tone and content of these texts…my wording is really thoughtless and I regret my choice to send the context of these emails,” Thomas said.

My fault with the Thomas committee, captured in a transcript of her September interview released Friday, is one of the more interesting avenues pursued by the House panel after obtaining the Meadows text. Thomas, a longtime conservative activist, had sent a message to Meadows about challenging the election results. She explained to the commission in an interview that she was concerned about the election concessions before the fraud accusations were fully investigated.

“It was an emotional time. Responding to a direct question from Rep. I regret … I certainly didn’t want my emotional texts to my friends to be publicly available.”

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