
Jan. 6 Panel Withdraws Subpoena Issued to Trump

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Former President Donald Trump filed a lawsuit in November to block the subpoena.


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WASHINGTON — The House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol Riot Issues to Donald Trump in October as Investigation Closes and Republicans are Set to Take Control of the House in January withdrawn the subpoena.

“As you may know, the task force has completed its hearings, released its final report, and will be closing soon,” Chairman Benny Thompson, Democrat, Mississippi, said Wednesday at the former president’s attorney. wrote in a letter addressed to “In view of the imminent conclusion of our investigation, the task force is no longer able to pursue the specific information subject to the subpoena,” Thompson added.

The subpoena demanded documents and testimony from Trump. Many legal experts did not expect Trump to cooperate.

In a social media post Wednesday night, Trump said, “I have been informed that the Unselected Committee of Political Thugs has withdrawn my subpoena regarding protests against the crooked 2020 presidential election of January 6. It was done,” he wrote. “They probably did it because they knew I had done nothing wrong, or because they were about to lose in court.”

“You personally organized and oversaw a multi-pronged effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election and obstruct the peaceful transition of power,” the committee wrote in a letter to Trump in October. said the survey showed. The commission said it recognized the subpoena of the former president as an “important and historic act.”

A House committee earlier this month voted to refer a number of criminals to the Justice Department in connection with Trump’s attempt to overturn the presidential election. Criminal charges are the first time such a recommendation has been made against a former president. The Justice Department is conducting its own investigation into the events of January 6, 2021, and last month named Special Counsel Jack Smith to lead the effort.

The House Committee Investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 Attack on the Capitol Reveals Former President Donald Trump’s Four Criminal Referrals to the Justice Department: Obstruction of Official Process, Conspiracy to Defraud the U.S. , conspiracy to make false statements, and incitement to commit crimes. Riot. Photo: Jim Lo Scalzo/Associated Press

Last week, the commission also released its Final Inquiry Report, a sprawling over 800-page compilation of the Panel’s 18-month investigation into the attacks on the Capitol.

Write to Alex Leary at [email protected].

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Appeared in the December 29, 2022 print edition as “Panel Withdraws Trump Subpoena.”

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