
Four things that will be decided this week; updated MVP rankings

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 5

Another intense weekend in the NFL has given us a chance to examine the reality of what’s to come in the near future. The Jaguars and Panthers – two teams that seemed like he had nowhere to go a few months ago – suddenly have full control over their chances of winning their respective divisions. The Green Bay Packers aren’t as strong as those two teams, but the door to the postseason is much wider than anyone imagined when they were 3-6. Meanwhile, a handful of prospects, including the Patriots, Jets, Lions, Seahawks and Titans, absorbed losses they couldn’t afford.

As we enter Week 17, we now have a chance to make some less bold predictions. There’s ample evidence of where the team is headed, whether it’s a positive or a negative one, and there’s little time left to change the fate most people expect. A team that does eventually finds a way to reach its destination. Those who don’t know exactly where the seasons went south and what factors most influenced their eventual demise.

please think about it. The greatest quarterback of all time is heading into the weekend flirting with the possibility of missing the playoffs in good health for the first time in 20 years Pittsburgh His Steelers Mike His Tomlin His head His coach is a team with a 7-8 record are fighting to survive.

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