
FBI blasted for dismissing Twitter Files as misinformation: ‘Chilling’

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The FBI’s claim that the Twitter files were the work of “conspiracy theorists” caused an uproar online this week.

FBI hits controversy after Twitter Files installment turns out to cause FBI to routinely contact Twitter employees to flag accounts deemed to be spreading ‘false information’ Announced the answer.

It didn’t take long for the agency to label the Twitter files themselves as “misinformation.”

Republicans respond after “Twitter File 6” reveals users and tweets flagged by the FBI.

A split image of an FBI agent wearing an official windbreaker and the Twitter logo on a blue screen.

A split image of an FBI agent wearing an official windbreaker and the Twitter logo on a blue screen.
(iStock and AP Photo/Gregory Bull, respectively)

“It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others spread misinformation to the public for the sole purpose of discrediting the agency,” the FBI said in a statement.

Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, said the FBI’s response was “appalling.”

“What’s more chilling is not clear: the threatening role the FBI played in Twitter’s censorship program, or its false response to the disclosure of that role.files,” Turley wrote.

FBI responded to disclosure of Twitter files, saying it did not solicit “no action” on certain tweets

Journalist Glenn Greenwald summarized the FBI’s apparent position on the Twitter files.

“Feeling uneasy about anyone questioning the FBI or that they’re ‘partnering’ with Big Tech on what they should and shouldn’t say on the internet.” Anyone who is is a hateful, crazed, insouciant anti-American conspiracy theorist,” he wrote.

One user has over 78,000 likes on Twitter!

“If the FBI were smart, they wouldn’t have said anything about the Twitter files,” writes human trafficking advocate Eliza Bleu.

Another user reacted to the news: “I thought the world couldn’t go any further crazy, but now the FBI is saying that their agent’s words are: #Twitter file Conspiracy theories and misinformation. ”

Former Rolling Stone journalist and Substack writer Matt Taibi shared a confidential exchange between Twitter and FBI officials during the days when the 2020 presidential election was at issue. did. A viral thread on Twitter revealed several posts that the FBI flagged as concerning to his Twitter employees.

“I want to remind Republicans to vote tomorrow, Wednesday, November 9,” Taibbi said in a tweet from one of his accounts on November 8.

Another tweet warned by the FBI was an obvious joke about polling time: “Americans, vote today. Democrats vote Wednesday 9th.”

Twitter File Part 7: FBI, DOJ ‘Unreliable’ Information on Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Deal

Major media networks largely skipped coverage of Twitter files from December 9-12, 2022.

Major media networks largely skipped coverage of Twitter files from December 9-12, 2022.
(Getty Images)

Taibbi claimed that a third tweet referenced in an email by an FBI official was satirical. Your votes are not counted. ”

Three of the four accounts were suspended, and the fourth was subject to review by another Twitter employee, according to the email chain.

Fox News’ Jake Gibson and Adam Sabes contributed to this report.


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