
Body of missing doctor found in Jackson County pond

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 4

JACKSON, Mich. (WILX) – The search for a missing doctor in Jackson County came to a tragic conclusion on Tuesday.

Authorities have confirmed that the body of Dr. Borek Payan was found by a diver in a pond on his property. Police said detectives had access to his home’s video surveillance camera system and witnessed Payang leaving the house on foot on December 22.

Police said the ice in the pond was punctured on Monday after K-9 forces, drones and search parties failed to find anything on land.A diver was able to find his body under the ice around 12:30 pm on Tuesday.

Police said Payang likely died before being reported missing. Boyan has been missing for several days and was last seen at Henry Ford Allegiance Health in Jackson on December 22nd.

Relatives and friends said he traveled to Jackson County in hopes of celebrating the holidays with Payan. rice field.

People close to Boyang said his disappearance was not a characteristic of him, and they were concerned about his safety.

“Borek dropped the dog off at 8am. He was scheduled to pick him up at 6:30 and had already fed him, and when he picked him up at 6:30 that night, he would feed him again. said,” said Nicole Kaiser. “So it would be out of character for his truck to be here without picking up the dog at home. Something happened and I don’t know what happened.”

The Jackson County coroner’s office will conduct an autopsy and toxicology test.

more: Missing in Michigan

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