
Yemen Key Message Update: Food prices remain generally high and stable despite declining fuel prices in November, November 2022 – Yemen

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 3

  • Despite seasonal relative improvements in food and income from cereal and citrus production, millions of Yemeni households suffer from food prices well above average and limited income opportunities. They continue to face difficulties in meeting their basic food needs due to availability, ongoing reductions in humanitarian assistance. , and a highly eroded coping capacity. Conflict is expected to re-escalate gradually over the forecast period, and humanitarian assistance is expected to continue at lower levels than in recent years. Given this and the large population (particularly displaced households) dependent on assistance, Urgent (IPC Phase 4) Results Food and income availability is also expected to decrease during the agricultural off-season (January/February to March) in Hajjah. Elsewhere, Crisis (IPC Phase 3) Results Widespread adoption is expected.
  • The main grain harvest is expected to end in November in the highlands and December through February/March in the lowlands. Total crop production is expected to be lower than last year due to irregular rainfall, but food from home crop production will temporarily and slightly reduce the severity of food insecurity for rural farming households in the coming months. It is expected that On the other hand, the citrus harvest continued into January, mainly in the northern highlands, which promised a modest increase in seasonal incomes from agricultural labor for poor households across the country, and increased income in both rural and urban areas. , opportunities for petty trade and casual labor along the citrus supply chain. In the lowlands, agricultural activities such as sorghum, sesame and millet fertilization, irrigation and weeding also create opportunities for seasonal income.
  • ACLED data and media reports show ground fighting escalated slightly in November compared to the previous month, despite ongoing negotiations to renew the nationwide ceasefire. Local media reports said skirmishes and low-level fighting broke out in al-Hudeidah, Hajjah, Sa’ada, al-Jawf, al-Daleeh, Malib, Raj and Taiz. According to IOM monitoring, 437 households were displaced across monitored governorates in November 2022, with the highest number of displacements occurring in Raj (151 households) and Malibu (131 households). The November total doubles his number of displaced households in October 2022. Meanwhile, the Sanaa-based Authority (SBA) continued to target drone strikes against oil production and export infrastructure in regions controlled by the Internationally Recognized Government (IRG). In November, including Shabwa’s Qana oil port and Hadramawt’s Al-Daba oil port. These strikes continue to hinder ship docking and effectively block crude oil exports, and in the medium term he could hurt IRG’s bottom line.
  • The monthly parallel market exchange rate between the Yemeni Rial (YER) and the US Dollar remained broadly stable from October to November on average. In the IRG-controlled region, his YER value in November rose 1% compared to the previous month and was 22% higher than the same period last year, according to FAO data. The rise was 8% week-on-week in late November after the Arab Monetary Fund signed an agreement with the internationally recognized government of Yemen on 27 November that he would support the Yemeni economy with US$1 billion. This is due to the rise. Meanwhile, in the SBA area, November YER values ​​were stable, up 5% year-on-year.
  • According to FAO, fuel prices continued to fall nationally in November along with lower global prices, and the SBA region has seen improvements in fuel supply in recent months. The expiration of the armistice in early October has not yet impacted fuel supplies in the SBA region. The data shows that despite falling fuel prices, the cost of the minimum food basket (MFB) in November in both the IRG region (down 2%) and his SBA region (up 3%) fell below he in October. was relatively stable. From FAO. However, prices are significantly higher than the previous year throughout 2022.
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