
True Potential of 5G Revealed in Food Industry

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 4

The FDA plans to leverage technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT) to ensure food quality and source transparency.

5G has transformed many industries, but the most unexpected is food service. Americans are cooking more food than they did pre-pandemic, shifting food resources to consumers rather than restaurants. The industry is ripe for a comeback, and 5G could lead the way, according to T-Mobile.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a strategic blueprint for bringing technology into the food industry for a better customer experience and safer processes. We plan to leverage cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to ensure food quality and source transparency. In addition, it helps ensure regulatory compliance throughout the food supply chain.

When COVID-19 hit, the FDA realized it could do more with the blueprint. It contains key findings from the pandemic for a safer and more resilient food supply.

Download Infographic Now: How Manufacturing Leaders View Edge Computing and 5G

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5G is a key ingredient for leveraging technology

5G has expanded the possibilities of AI and IoT, allowing us to do more than we ever dreamed possible. Thanks to reliable sensor data, food processing plants and supply chain stakeholders have a more detailed and accurate picture of the condition of their facilities. Additionally, the influx of data flowing into AI solutions enables better processing insights. 5G will ensure consistent data delivery to power AI. As a result, businesses can make faster decisions to recover from disruptions, from big ones like a global pandemic to small ones like factory disruptions.

5G will enable suppliers to expand their product offerings beyond traditional offerings and reach consumers with specific food needs and preferences. These smaller offerings give consumers more control over their food and choices, and allow manufacturers and suppliers to enter new market segments. There could even be greater involvement of robotics and personalized apps that let consumers know where their food is coming from and offer them more choices. 5G will make it possible.


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