
Podcast | Edie Mukiibi on Slow Food and the agricultural systems feeding Africa

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 4

“Many people see the traditional systems of African agriculture as backward or primitive, but these are the systems that feed the people of Africa.”

according to this Eddie Mukiebia farmer, agronomist and activist from Uganda who recently became a world leader slow food movement From founder Carlo Petrini. He’s also a guest on the third episode of his The Star Ingredient podcast.

Allowing for some clichés, we switched menus and had a few more to consider not just what was on our plate, but where it came from and how it got there. I wanted to provide food.

Now in her early 30s, Mukiibi leads a movement to protect local food culture and traditions. 160 countries with 10,000 projects.

But, as Mukiibi says, his approach to food, agriculture and agroecology was formed at home with his family working on a small plot of land near the shores of Lake Victoria in rural Uganda.

“We mainly grew tropical crops such as coffee and cacao. We also had traditional African vegetables such as eggplant and sweet potatoes. We also grew bananas, the most important staple food in central Uganda,” he said. says.

It was a passion that served him well at school, and he ended up spending much of his time exiled to the school garden.

At the time, his teachers forced him to do farm work as punishment for being late or speaking the local language, Luganda, instead of English. However, he never considered it a punishment, instead pleading with his teachers to promote agriculture as an important activity. This is a theme that will shape later life.

If you would like to hear more about Mukiibi and learn more about the Slow Food movement, No matter where you get the podcast, you can listen to full episodes.

For more recipes and stories about ingredients unique to Africa, visit beginning When The second Episodes of our series, we’re talking about everything Fonio and bambara peanut.

Podcast The Star Ingredient was funded by the European Journalism Center through the Solutions Journalism Accelerator. This fund is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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