
Meeting the Momentum of the Food Movement – Food Tank

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 4

I’ve written several times over the past few weeks about the momentum of the food movement. The urgency of transforming our food system is growing, and it is gaining more visibility and support than ever before. I said I couldn’t pass up this opportunity.

As we head into 2023, we can’t just talk about the momentum of the food movement. You have to act on it. How do we meet that moment? How can we protect the climate and avoid wasting opportunities to feed our communities?

This is our agenda for next year and only with your support can we tackle these issues. We invite you to view our plans for 2023 in this note and join Food Tank as a member in support of the growing food movement.

Food Tank is in an unprecedented position to support the growing global movement to change food and farming systems. We will continue to engage our vast network and seek change to increase our impact in these areas. Thank you for your support.

Our 2023 Strategy continues to build on our core philosophy by filling critical gaps in seven problem areas not yet adequately addressed by the food movement.

Below is a snapshot of what you can expect from us in the year ahead.

1. U.S. Policymakers and Policy Engagement

Our take on the issue: Food Tanks facilitates meaningful educational programs on food and agriculture issues for policy makers and officials. Next year, I strongly believe the food movement is uniquely positioned for bipartisan cooperation in the current political environment. Congress is divided and faces a stalemate on many other issues.

This year’s situation: In 2022, we hosted a dialogue and advocated for the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition and Health. After passing the U.S. House and Senate, he played a key role in building coalitions with policymakers on the Food Donation Improvement Act, which is now awaiting President Biden’s signature. etc.

Plans for next year: In 2023, we plan to host a record amount of shows on Capitol Hill. Food Tank looks forward to coordinating discussions on hunger in higher education, the release of a new policy report on the intersection of food and technology, a forum on the blue food economy, and an event to recognize the wisdom of indigenous food cultures. Additionally, the Farm Bill is on the table again this year, and we are planning events on regenerative agriculture in light of this important piece of legislation that will shape US food policy for the next five years.

2. Participation of global decision makers

Our take on the issue: Thanks to an incredible coalition of partners, food and agriculture are finally gaining long-awaited recognition as a key solution to the climate crisis. Food Tank has been recognized internationally, including the first-ever Adaptation and Agriculture Day at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Egypt, and his four pavilions of excellence focused entirely on food and agricultural systems. It has historical momentum on a large scale.

This year’s situation: In 2022, Food Tank was the only one to curate an official program for all four pavilions at COP27. At COP27, we purchased together over 30 panels featuring nearly 150 speakers.

Planning for next year: The food and agriculture system receives just 3% of climate finance, but accounts for more than 40% of greenhouse gas emissions. The 2023 Food Tank strategy focuses on expanding year-round educational programs for UN-level negotiators. In preparation, we also plan a series of events during NYC Climate Week and the United Nations General Assembly, and will significantly expand our engagement, impact and footprint on the ground at COP28 in Dubai.

3. Private sector and food business involvement

Our take on the matter: Through Food Tank’s influential network of Chief Sustainability Officers from over 150 food companies, we convene top sustainability executives each month to discuss trends and explore case studies. , identify opportunities to learn and act from guest speakers and each other. as a union. The network is invite-only, does not require membership or dues, and ensures a level playing field. Participating companies range from the world’s largest food brands to the most influential mission-driven businesses.

This year’s situation: In 2022, our CSO coalition helped Food Tank grasp the pulse of sustainability opportunities within the private sector. This has strengthened our ability to showcase our partnerships and best practices. Some examples: We co-curated the Niman Ranch Annual Pig Farmer Appreciation Summit in Des Moines. We worked with Bowery Farming on programming to support urban agroecology. In partnership with Google, we hosted a large-scale conference in Chicago on the pitfalls and opportunities at the intersection of food and technology. Worked with Compass Group and WeightWatchers to highlight ways to reduce food loss and waste.

Next year: In 2023, we plan to expand this group to include more global stakeholders. It will welcome sustainability leaders from 50 of the world’s largest food companies and welcome 10 innovative, smaller, mission-driven brands from each continent.

4. Engagement of educational leaders and academic research

Our take on this issue: Building partnerships with academic institutions is essential in our efforts to transform the food system. These relationships help young people discover how their talents and passions can transform the food system. All the inspiring young people I met this year gave me great hope for the next generation of food leaders. Together, these important academic partnerships help people of all ages and careers—from farmers to food workers to eaters—understand their relationship to food in new ways and stay at the forefront of research. It’s helpful.

Status this year: In 2022, we will launch a peer network of deans and deans who meet bimonthly to represent fields such as food, nutrition, environmental studies, nursing and medicine, marketing, anthropology, labor, and religion. I was. research, and much more. The network has actively sought to include voices from a wide range of institutions, including land-funded colleges, liberal arts colleges, historically black colleges and universities, tribal colleges, and community colleges. Food Tank has also partnered with leading academic institutions for events including Ohio State University, North Carolina State University, University of Illinois at Chicago, Spelman University, and the University of the District of Columbia.

Plans for next year: In 2023, we plan to expand the group to include academics representing all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The group will participate in campaigns to address hunger in higher education, expand sustainability best practices, and host academic dialogues to highlight new research. Food Tank also continues to partner with academic institutions to host summits across the country, including recently announced events with the University of Washington, New York University, and Houston Tillotson University, his HBCU in Austin.

5. Engaging audiences through film, theater and culture

Our take on the issue: Food Tank has always focused its energies on advancing food and agriculture issues in entertainment. We learn about the world through the media we consume, the books we read, and the movies and plays we watch. Food is connected to everything, which is why the food movement is so powerful. We find joy and growth in sharing food in a cultural space.

This year’s status: In 2022, Food Tank partnered with Little Herds and The Cook’s Nook to host eight days of official programming and film screenings at the SXSW Festival, featuring over 150 speakers. We have also co-curated programming at other important events such as Expo East, GreenBiz’s The Verge, The Edible Institute, World Food Prize and the UN COP27 conference. Foundation and Media RED.

Coming next year: Following the success of the 2021 climate-themed original musical WeCameToDance, three weeks of sold-out performances at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in Scotland. It has been commissioned to be performed at SXSW 2023. The original production, called “Little Peasants,” is an immersive theatrical journey behind closed doors of a campaign to unionize food workers. Additionally, Food Tank will be attending the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. It will curate a three-day educational program and film screenings, including events alongside celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern’s new documentary series Hope in the Water. We are also planning educational screenings about food in conjunction with the 2023 Seattle Film Festival.

6. Engaging readers and listeners through news and publications

Our take on this issue: One of the most important ways to reach millions of readers and highlight stories of hope and success in food and farming systems is through original research, articles and perspectives. Regularly publish on our website and podcasts. feed.

This year’s situation: In 2022, we continued to expand our editorial work through Apple Podcasts chart-ranking show Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg. Additionally, Food Tank’s recently revamped newsletter reaches over 170,000 food professionals each week, more than doubling his engagement last year. Social media engagement has him over 1 million followers across all platforms.

Plans for the coming year: In 2023, we will continue to highlight best practices, showcase opportunities and trends in food systems, and share agriculture news that other media outlets aren’t covering. To scale this effort, we will continue to expand existing partnerships with Forbes, the InterPress Service, and many other leading media organizations, while also working with food and agriculture journalists to moderate events and working with working groups. We will lead the discussion. In the next year, we also plan to start hosting the podcast “Food Talk LIVE” recordings and revamp our website.

7. Join Grassroots Membership

Our take on the matter: Food Tank’s work is only possible because of our global network of members who support our work to drive change in the food system. People know their communities best, and our movement is infinitely more powerful when guided by a locally rooted perspective. That’s why we are proud to be a member-led organization. I’m thinking

This year’s situation: In 2022, Food Tank will launch regular members-only webinars with prominent guest speakers such as Marion Nestle and Chloe Sorvino. These opportunities he will continue and expand in 2023.

Coming next year: Starting in Spring 2023, Food Tank members will host a revamped membership program, annual renewal surprise gifts, and members-only networking events in Chicago, Washington, DC, and New York City.

In short, as we enter 2023, we will be as strong as you and the wider food movement. Food systems are a key component in solving all of our most pressing social challenges, and Food Tank is committed to acting on the momentum of the food movement.

If you are in this battle, click here to join the Food Tank. We have several membership levels to suit what you are looking for.

Together we can achieve anything. Together, let’s build a more sustainable food system.

Articles like the one you just read are made possible by the generosity of Food Tank members. Can we expect you to join our growing movement? Click here to become a member now.

Photo credit: Markus Spiske, Unsplash

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