one of the best ways to save money When Eating healthy means cooking your own meals. A $10 a day lunch bill might not seem like much, but it’s $50 a week and it really starts to add up. Preparing meals a week or a few days in advance can make lunch prep easier. All you need is a suitable container.
Over 50% off Prepworks Mini Dele ProKeeper Sealed Food Containers in this Amazon deal. These containers are 5.75 inches long and have enough capacity to handle an entire main course for lunch. A silicone seal under the latching lid creates a leak-proof, airtight container to keep your lunch fresh.
The bottom of the bowl is grooved to keep moisture and excess juices away from the food itself. The transparent lid is designed so that you can write with a whiteboard marker when it was made and whose bento it is. No more worrying about a colleague stealing your food all the time. I’m watching you, Gary.