
Food & Drink Trends We’ve Worn Out in 2022

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 5

From quality TV catering to all of our inner foodies debuting all year long to our favorite celebs tackling new culinary ventures, 2022 was one of those pop culture books. And some viral videos and content can’t wait to retire. I obviously prefer consuming all the food and drink focused content the internet has to offer (OK, I’m obsessed), and this beloved category is no exception in 2022. did. We’ve run out of many food and drink trends this year.

Every great baked oat recipe or easy innovative salad shared on social media has a hypnotizing yet sickening train wreck. The other side of “OMG, why can’t I take my eyes off the screen?” Spectrum, there are nasty trending topics we can’t get enough of —or think soPerhaps the innovative minds behind the “strength” of digital media are the same as popular songs on good old FM radio get hot when overplayed and nauseating. As such, it’s true that some content, topics, and hashtags, even those centered around the latest food and drink trends, can get old really quickly.

Through 2022, my social media feed felt like a movie marmot day Because we were frequently offered commentary that addressed similar “trending” food and drink content and ideas that we as a society thought were already in motion years ago. By the way, you can only drink “all day rosé” many times before people start to express concern for your health and well-being. There are others who just don’t seem to get enough of it yet. And since trends tend to change cyclically, letting go of the old creates an opportunity for the material boomerang to return as a nostalgic reboot, fully appreciating its predecessor. can do.

I obviously prefer to consume all the food and drink focused content that TV and the Internet have to offer (OK, I’m obsessed), and this beloved category is no exception in 2022. was. 2022 has run out of many food and drink trends. Much like members-only jackets and beanie babies, these are the food and drink trends that made waves in 2022, but now’s the time to pack them deep into the attic of our hearts.

charcuterie and butter board

Here’s an unpopular opinion: I’ve always been pretty underwhelmed by pork.If you call a spade a spade, it’s an adult lunchchable dressed up in a Pinterest aesthetic. However, CNBC Make It ranked charcuterie and butter boards 1.2 billion and his 300 million in his top 10 TikTok food trends for 2022, according to data provided by British restaurant chain Chiquito. It reported that it ranked highest with 58.4 million views. But thanks to this oversaturation of content throughout 2022, I’m tired of all food boards. why?

First of all, it seems that only a few people actually know how to pronounce “charcuterie” correctly. This is the best summary of TikTok user @cimaechris3’s video.

The proper way to say this is “char-cou-ter-ee”, according to this adorable viral TikTok video of a baby accurately pronouncing this French term shared by @emilieiggiott.

Pronunciation aside, the food board trend also seems pretty unsanitary. I totally understand why shared food boards are probably going to be so popular. As we move forward towards life post-pandemic, sharing food can help re-establish a sense of connection and community we all missed and crave during lockdown. Can’t you make that same connection while eating from your own plate? Besides looking unsanitary, as @nickiunplugged explains on TikTok, “That’s catfish fishing!”

“These butterboards make you think, ‘I want to make that. I want people to dip bread and crackers in it.'” That’s not true. It’s false advertising,” continued @nickiunplugged.

Eating an artisanal treat from a shared board might sound elegant and fun in theory, but when people start taking their own chunks and planners, the scraps and saturated fats left in the aftermath can become a mess. The mixed mass doesn’t look very appetizing. It is whether or not you can obtain the

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lion meal

Chef sprinkles salt on raw steak

Chef sprinkles salt on raw steak

This viral TikTok trend has only gained momentum recently, he said. new york postBut the risk factors it presents are enough to make us wonder if it’s time to end this food trend. Described as a regiment of 30 days of promise.

The Lion Diet’s founder, podcaster and TedEx speaker Mikhail Peterson, reportedly claimed the diet was a “cure cure-all.” Because of fatigue, intolerance, and bowel problems.” daily mail, the logistics of this seem too impractical to be completely secure. Studies show that too much sodium can have many negative effects on the body, including an increased risk of heart disease. Similarly, eating too much red meat every day can lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD). The Lion diet is designed to be a temporary elimination diet, but cardiovascular concerns are an undeniable red flag. Via TikTok We do not recommend rolling dice based on medical insights gleaned from First, I need to consult a medical professional who is familiar with my overall medical history.

“Healthy Cola” & Pilk

Just when the Coke-Pepsi rivalry could not escalate any further, TikTok users ruthlessly flooded their social media feeds with content about two enigmatic beverage concepts powered by each of these iconic soda brands. rice field. You might think new spins on these classic favorites are exciting, but honestly, neither sound particularly delicious.

“Healthy Cola” first appeared in the summer of 2022 and has spread like wildfire among TikTok users looking for a refreshing and nutritious alternative to the standard Coca-Cola. TikTok user @mandyvjones, who is credited with first sharing the trend, claims that the concoction of balsamic vinegar combined with flavored soda and ice “tastes like cola,” but this The allegations seemed highly questionable. Many other TikTok users have tried to determine if this is a legitimately delicious and refreshing drink by recreating the “healthy cola” themselves. It seemed like a lot, but many others were bored, confused, or a combination of both.

On the advice of her followers, TikTok user @pepperonimuffin even went through a lot of trial and error with subtle ingredient swaps to find the best “healthy cola” recipe. Her last attempt was to use balsamic vinegar instead of vinegar to potentially improve the taste.The logic is that the glaze has a little more sugar than straight balsamic vinegar. Despite valiant efforts to sweeten, she was unsuccessful.

“Mmm, it’s like a dirty sea,” exclaims @pepperonimuffin as he tries to stir his balsamic glaze with Pellegrino water and ice.

As @macheesmo said in a TikTok post, “Why? If you want a Coke, why not just have a Coke?”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the big-brand soda counter, Pepsi decided to connect with its target audience by emulating the “dirty soda” TikTok trend with an ad campaign featuring Lindsay Lohan.while typing mean girls Nostalgia is pretty clever marketing on Pepsi’s part (and I’m sure many of us have been waiting with bated breath for LiLohanaissance to finally start), but I’m still at a loss as to why this ad happened. It’s getting dark. Why ruin a perfectly good soda with milk? In the original Pepsi ad, LiLo says pouring all this milk into a soda to make a “Pilk” looks “naughty” to say the least. This is part of a parody made by @theentitledmillennial, but you know how the old saying goes.Every joke has some truth in it.

nacho table

Like food boards, nacho tables are among the top 10 TikTok food trends for 2022, with 415.1 million views, according to CNBC Make It. But at least on the food board, there’s something like politeness to it. , which seems like a completely unsanitary mess.

Even when the colors of nachos are coordinated based on festive holiday themes, it’s still hard to make up for the fact that people are ditching tables and utensils in favor of literally putting handfuls of food in their mouths. Not enough.

If Lindsay Lohan can revive her career, can we rally together for an etiquette renaissance?

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