Fourth-generation dairy farmers warn that food shortages in 2023 will be worse than usual as the U.S. agricultural industry faces rising production hurdles.
Turning Point USA Ambassador Stephanie Nash spoke about the issue on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends”, saying the threat of drought, rising prices due to inflation and increased regulation are causing serious problems for farmers. .
“This is a major food security threat to our future here in America,” Nash told guest host Katie Pavrich.
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Nash began his farming career in California, but moved his business to Tennessee due to less state farm regulation.
“California has a lot of regulations, like air quality and water federations, just to get the resources we need. They’re kind of putting us out of business,” she said. Told.
But the biggest problem remains, as Nash claims the USDA has not kept up with the changing world.
She said the USDA needs to consider the threat posed by severe weather and how family farms are being affected. Some farmers rely on burning hay to keep their crops warm, she explained, Nash said.
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“Where are the politicians and the Department of Agriculture when they are trying to protect crops and animals from the ravages of the weather?” she asked.
“And they want to tell us how they do our job on the regulatory side.”
Nash stressed the need for governments and citizens to support local agriculture as foreign countries buy US farmland and inflation continues to ravage the economy. She predicted that commercial farmers and ranchers will go bankrupt in 2023.
She says even the four major packers in the beef industry are selling off their cattle because profits are minimal and feed is not available in some parts of the country.
“If you look at big business, big government, they’re killing family farmers and ranchers and making American profits in grocery stores,” Nash said.
“This is the truth of what is happening in America and what will happen if we don’t wake up and start supporting our locals.”