
5 Foods You Must Avoid To Lose Weight in 2023

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 4

The obesity epidemic shows no signs of slowing down. His 2022 Obesity Report recently found that 19 states now have obesity rates above 35% of her, and 4 of her 10 adults in the U.S. are obese. . If your weight is struggling, it’s not all your fault. Our food supply plays a big role. This report details how easy access to affordable, low-quality “junk” food and soda can make it harder to control your weight.

No single food or drink causes weight gain, but obesity researchers consistently identify foods and drinks that are associated with weight gain. Often in short supply, they tend to be very palatable (tasty), highly processed, and quick to digest. And, most importantly, they’re all high in calories, making it hard to stick to your overall daily calorie goal.

Common examples of ultra-processed culprits experts cite include sugar-sweetened beverages, deli meats, shelf-stable meat snacks, potatoes and other fried salty snacks, french fries, ice cream, and donuts. And so on.

Not only do these undernourished calories skyrocket your risk of weight gain, recently published research Department of Neurology, JAMA A study of more than 10,000 adults reported that those who consumed 20% or more of their daily calories from ultra-processed foods were at increased risk of cognitive decline. Additionally, the average American gets more than half of their daily calories from low-quality processed foods.

With all this information in mind, let’s take a closer look at some foods and drinks you should avoid to lose weight in 2023.

Meat/chicken processed products

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If you love deli meats, bacon and sausages, shelf-stable meatsticks, and other processed animal products, you may want to reconsider your intake.One of his studies published in BMC Research Note found that processed meat intake was directly correlated with increased abdominal fat and central obesity. Central obesity is defined as a BMI greater than 30 kg/m2 and a waistline of at least 40 inches in men and 34.5 inches or more in women.

Subjects who reported eating the most processed meat had a 22% increased risk of central obesity compared to those who ate the least processed meat. If your weight is a concern this year, limit your consumption of processed meats and poultry and choose fresher, leaner cuts of meat and poultry to reduce the recommended daily intake of calories, saturated fat, and sodium. Restrictions can be observed.

french fries based food

Meta-analysis published in New England Journal of Medicine .

Another study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition People who reported eating fried potato foods (such as French fries and potato chips) were more likely to have diabetes, other comorbidities, and even premature death than those who reported eating less potato-based foods and fried potato products. was found to be at high risk of

French fries and potato chips have more calories per serving than most other foods. Consider that a medium order of McDonald’s French fries has 320 calories and about 20% of your daily fat requirement. Researchers also identified that other, more natural, nutrient-rich foods were associated with less weight gain over time. It contained nuts and yogurt.


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You might think that one donut won’t make your diet go crazy, but these office-meeting treats are more harmful to your waistline than you might think. Donuts are high in refined low-fiber flour and sugar, and because they are fried, they are very high in calories.

The worst part about donuts in the morning is that the foods you eat for breakfast help set your appetite and hunger hormones for the rest of the day. A protein-based breakfast, on the other hand, can help curb hunger and appetite, boost your metabolism, overcome cravings, and help build and maintain muscle mass that can help you explode belly fat. .

Eggs, low-fat yogurt, and cottage cheese make for a high-protein breakfast. In fact, from one study American Journal of Clinical Nutrition A study found that doubling daily protein intake to 15 to 30% of daily calories in women led to more sustained weight loss.

RELATED: 10 simple and light dinner ideas to speed up weight loss

ice cream

Ice cream is often on the list of the most “addictive” foods. Studies show that creamy frozen treats brighten up the feel-good areas of the brain, making them the ultimate comfort food. Plus, eating ice cream more often creates more cravings for the same level of satisfaction. The combination of sugar and fat in ice cream makes it so delicious and craveable.

RELATED: 12 Foods People Over 50 Should Eat for Serious Weight Loss

sweet drink

friends ringing soda glasses
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Although sugary drinks are drinks, not food, many studies have shown that drinking sugar-sweetened drinks like sodas and energy drinks increases your chances of gaining weight. Recent research nature review endocrinology It cites strong evidence linking sugary drinks to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and some types of cancer. It is the largest source of sugar in a typical diet.

They are little more than flavored sugar water and do not give you a feeling of fullness.The calories are absorbed rapidly and can lead to spikes in blood sugar and insulin. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition The daily increase in one serving of sugary drinks enjoyed by an adult equates to about half a pound of weight gain over the course of a year.

one study in Journal of the American Medical Association Women who increased their soft drink intake from less than once a week to more than once a day added 358 calories to their daily diet, an increase of about 10 pounds over a four-year study. On the other hand, women who reduced their soft drink consumption lost about 319 calories a day and gained less weight than women who drank soft drinks.

Julie Upton, MS, RD, CSSD

Julie Upton is an award-winning Registered Dietitian and Communications Specialist who has written thousands of articles for national media including The New York Times, US News & World Report and USA Today.Read more about Julie

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