
Detroit Lions altering travel plans to avoid Michigan winter storm

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 3

The Detroit Lions and Carolina Panthers will play on Saturday of Week 16, already requiring adjustments from their normal Sunday game schedule. Basically, the typical Tuesday off day was removed and each practice day was pushed up on the calendar, with Thursday representing the day an injury designation should be declared.

With winter storms now heading into the Metro Detroit area, the Lions are also forced to change their travel plans for this weekend’s game. Instead of moving in a day earlier (as they usually do), the Lyons plan to pre-empt the storm and leave Detroit on Thursday afternoon.

Luckily, the Lions have already done most of their gameplan installation, and will only be running final walkthroughs and meetings in Carolina instead of Allen Park on Friday.

“The majority of our work will be done this morning,” director Dan Campbell said at a press conference on Thursday. And then we wake up and do a walkthrough in Carolina and have a little final meeting.

The good guys in Metro Detroit shovel an estimated 4 to 8 inches of snow in winds reported at 50 miles per hour, but the Lions are adapting to North Carolina weather, which isn’t exactly normal. is not in the state of Also. Current forecasts suggest temperatures could drop below 29 degrees. It would be the coldest home game in Panthers history.

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