The U.S. House of Representatives is banning the use of TikTok on all House-controlled devices, matching a new law banning the app on executive branch phones amid growing national security concerns.
The Chief Administrative Officer informed congressmen and their staff that social media applications were immediately banned from the phones of all congressmen and staff. ByteDance Ltd., based in Beijing, has expressed concern.
Alex Nguyen, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., New York), said TikTok has been banned from Senate phones since 2020.
Last week, Congress approved a $1.65 trillion spending bill to fund the government through 2023. This included banning him from TikTok on government devices in government agencies.
“Following the passage of Omnibus banning TikTok on government devices, the CAO has worked with the House Committee on Control to implement a similar policy for the House of Representatives,” the chief executive said in a statement.
Before the appropriations bill is passed, the Departments of Defense, State, Homeland Security, and Transportation Security Administration will share data collected from users with the Chinese government.
Officials in the Biden administration have been negotiating measures with TikTok executives aimed at preventing information TikTok collects about US users from being shared with Beijing.
TikTok has repeatedly said it will protect user data and not share it with the Chinese government.
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