
The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships, January 2023

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 5

With the coming new moon, clarity will finally come and the signs from the universe will begin moving towards a new chapter in your life.

Since August of last year, both Mars and Uranus have been going through retrograde periods, causing delays and limitations in knowing if you’ve outgrown your relationship or if something is going on within you. increase.

The beginning of January is completely different.

Not only does Venus, the planet of love, move into Aquarius, bringing greater independence and perspective, but Mars, Uranus, and Mercury all go direct as well.

This brings together the energy of change, action and communication. These are the very elements of clarity.

It is important to rush the process. The energy is lighter at the beginning of the month, which helps you get more into your thoughts, but Uranus doesn’t go straight until the end of the month.

This month is a month of clarity and change, but it must be understood that it must occur during divine times.

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