
‘Morning after’ pill label changed to clarify it does not cause abortion

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 5


The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved a labeling change to Plan B’s “morning after” pill to clarify that it doesn’t prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. and should be restricted.

For years, Plan B One-Step’s FDA-approved label and its competitors have stated that the drug works primarily by stopping the release of eggs from the ovaries, or perhaps by preventing sperm from fertilizing them. However, it also suggests that if the egg is fertilized, the drug may prevent the egg from sticking to the uterine wall.

This was rectified on Friday, stating, “The Plan B One-Step works before the egg is released from the ovary. As a result, the Plan B One-Step usually stops or delays the release of the egg from the ovary.” Plan B One Step is a single pill that contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than oral contraceptives and works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy.”

The change was welcomed after it had been long overdue by abortion rights groups concerned about anti-abortion groups emboldened by a decision to overturn the Supreme Court ruling in June. Law vs. Wadeuses misinformation about the morning after pill to push for emergency contraception restrictions and bans in state legislatures next year.

Since the court ruling, demand for the pill has surged as women worry that their reproductive health options are being threatened, proponents said.

“It’s great that the FDA reflects the science, but I believe the people who are against it will continue to demand it,” said director of birth control access at the National Women’s Law Center. Senior Advisor Mara Gandal-Powers said.

Anti-abortion activists and conservative state legislators have long cited the label when describing the morning-after pill as an “abortion drug,” a drug that can induce abortion. For those who believe that life begins when an egg is fertilized with a sperm, drugs that prevent implantation are the same as killing humans.

However, researchers have long disputed the idea that the pill blocks implantation. is low.”

The website of the anti-abortion group Students for Life of America describes Plan B as a drug that creates an “uncomfortable womb environment” and may prevent implantation by an embryo. Or she dies,” says the website.

However, guidance added to the FDA’s website on Friday clarifies that the agency does not consider the drug an abortion drug.

“Plan B One-Step does not work if the person is already pregnant. That is, it does not affect existing pregnancies…” it wrote. Pregnancy cannot be terminated because there is no evidence to support it affecting

Elizabeth Nash, principal policy associate at the Guttmacher Institute, which advocates for abortion rights, said, “Abortion opponents have a history of deliberately misrepresenting these things as types of abortion, but this is not true. No. They are methods of birth control.”

The morning after pill is different from the abortion drug mifepristone. Mifepristone is used with another drug, misoprostol, to terminate pregnancies of less than 10 weeks.

A spokeswoman for the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Prolife America did not immediately return an email seeking comment.

Commonly used over-the-counter medications contain levonorgestrel, a synthetic hormone that can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. It typically costs between $40 and $50. Generic versions are cheaper. An FDA spokesperson said the maker of his version of the generic will take him a year to make similar labeling changes to the product.

The Plan B label has not changed since 2006, when the drug changed from prescription to over-the-counter.

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