
Top food allergy stories of 2022

Funviralpark 2 years ago 0 3

December 27, 2022

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As the prevalence of food allergies continues to increase, researchers continue to investigate its causes, mechanisms, and potential solutions. The article is shown below.

Food allergies associated with reduced risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection

A study published in 2018 showed that people with food allergies had a lower risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, while those with current asthma and obesity had a higher risk. . Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. read metersore.

Data are from Seibold A et al. J Allergy Clinic Immunity2022;doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2022.05.014.

Oral immunotherapy may lead to remission of peanut allergy in young children

Edwin H. Kim

Oral immunotherapy was associated with increased both desensitization and remission of peanut allergy in children under 4 years of age. Edwin H. Kim, MD, MS, and colleagues wrote in a study published in lancet. read metersore.

Oral hazelnut immunotherapy seems to work in children

According to a retrospective study published in , oral immunotherapy appeared to be effective and well-tolerated in children with hazelnut allergy, but treatment discontinuation rates were high. Chronicles of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. read more.

New pediatric guidelines slowed increase in food allergy-induced anaphylaxis incidence

Cases of food allergy-related anaphylaxis in children have increased in Australia over the past two decades, but the rate of increase has slowed after new guidelines were published, researchers report. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. read more.

Poor quality of life predicts use of peanut oral immunotherapy, but uptake remains low

Although 9.3% of pediatric patients with peanut allergy treated at hospital-based allergy and immunology clinics chose oral immunotherapy, 90.7% chose oral immunotherapy, often due to side effects or degree of commitment, mainly to prevent accidental ingestion. declined treatment due to concerns about Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. read more.

Early introduction and education are the keys to preventing food allergies

Danell M. Fisher

Allergists can educate parents about why giving infants peanuts and eggs is a safe and effective means of avoiding food allergies and improving long-term outcomes. Danell M. Fisher, MD told Helio in this exclusive interview. read more.

Use of goat milk skin products may lead to ‘severe’ goat milk allergy

A small cohort of patients who used goat milk-containing therapies for inflammatory skin conditions subsequently developed a severe goat milk allergy, according to a study published in . clinical and experimental allergies. read more.

Early and continuous introduction of cow’s milk protein suppresses the development of allergy

Babies fed formula immediately after birth and the next 2 weeks had the lowest risk of developing adverse reactions to cow’s milk, whereas those fed formula between 2 weeks and 6 months had the lowest risk of developing adverse reactions. A similar effect was also found. Karen M. SwitkowskiPhD, MPH, said to Helio. read more.

Patients respond to peanuts after receiving transplanted lungs from donors with history of allergies

According to a case study published in , a transplant patient with no history of allergy developed transient sensitization to peanuts after receiving lungs from a donor with a known peanut allergy. Chronicles of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. read more.

Early introduction of peanuts can prevent peanut allergy in infants of all risk categories

Regardless of eczema severity, ethnicity, egg allergy, or sensitization, introducing peanuts to infants who have reached four months of age is effective in preventing peanut allergy. Gideon Lack, M.D. said during a presentation at the Scientific Conference of the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. read more.

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