String of recent car break-ins leaves drivers concerned

Dan Smith

Jonesboro, Ark.

Daniel Raines has lost a lot. He said he locked the door when he left to run his errands, and that all his belongings were gone when he returned.

"I came back and found the driver's side door unlocked. All my test gear, my cell phone, especially my work phone was stolen," Raines said.

He had just started a new job at AM Communications and when he went inside, the door was locked.

"I know I can't say exactly what I said," Raines admitted. "I was like, 'Okay, I'm going to get fired.'"

Raines is not alone. Someone recently broke into a Hyundai Caverneau dealership, stole a customer's car keys, and removed at least three of his cars from the company's premises.

Additionally, at least 11 reports of break-ins have occurred at various locations in Jonesboro.

The Craighead County Sheriff's Office has contributed to a spike in vacation cases.

"It seems to be on the rise because there are more valuables and people are shopping," explained Patrol Captain Jason Allen. "We're seeing an increase in car break-ins. I know people leave their valuables in plain sight, and it's just a temptation for people to break in."

The sheriff's office said the break-in had no basis or reason and said it believed neither were related. They added that petty crime tends to increase around the holiday season.

The most obvious way to protect a car is to lock the doors, but Allen stressed that valuables shouldn't be left inside the car or where people can easily see it.

Another way to protect your car is to park near the lights in a busy parking lot.

As for the break-ins themselves, the Sheriff's Office and the Jonesboro Police Department see no pattern in the break-ins and continue to investigate individual cases in response to victim calls.