Now let's back up. (For those who can't get past that first part, I'm not leaving my baby in the car.)
I was unloading my groceries into the van as usual. Bulky luggage in the trunk, delicate luggage in the front seat... On this particular day, I was actually doing some "pushing the baby into the stroller and dragging the cart back" type of grocery shopping. I forgot my baby carrier at home so that was the next best thing.
After loading all the groceries into the van and folding the stroller, I loaded the baby. I could have started the car first and then put the baby in it, but I started the car and there were kids inside and a stranger ran up to me and knocked me out, got in the driver's seat and put the baby in the car. ran the But that's another disturbing story for another day!
I walked away from the van quite casually
Anyway — I packed everything up and then put the baby in. I left the van door open, grabbed the trolley, and started heading back towards the store on the return of the nearest trolley. rice field.
I stayed away from the van pretty casually. The return cart was two cars long, so I didn't walk that far. Sometimes I bring my baby home. However, on this day, it felt easier to pick him up and put him back in the cart.
This lady who was parked next to me had no idea we had just finished shopping. She just saw a baby in the car and saw its mother walk away.
She thought I left the baby in the car.
My kneeling reaction was defensive
This woman was screaming. She caused a scene where people turned to the commotion.
"Stop! I left my baby in the car!" To be honest, I didn't even realize she was talking to me. As I pushed her shopping cart into the cart return, I turned to her.
oh. she was talking to me She was waving her hand and starting running towards me!
My kneeling reaction was defensive. I was terrified for a moment because she thought I had forgotten my baby. I was so embarrassed because she was yelling at me.
because what do you know? she was looking out She was trying to save another baby from dying in a hot car. She was very cautious and… the moment was strangely sweet. You can tell she wasn't pointing her finger, so to speak. She was really trying to help, even if her approach was a little over the top.
"She would have saved the baby."
I could have chosen to stay offended, but in a different situation she probably would have saved the baby.
When I explained myself she said: I just heard these stories all the time and didn't want to witness them myself. So we talked a little.
During our conversation, she realized she pulled the trigger a little too early. Rather than actually trying to accept the situation, she reacted impulsively. thanked her for her sincere apology, but tried to really bring home the fact that she was really trying to be careful, even if her approach was a little alarming. Today's lesson: Appreciate strangers trying to help.
Second Lesson of the Day: Don't Get Angry at Everything That Happens to You
We feel quick to get angry at what happened to us. We can all twist the situation that happened to us and present it to the world in a victim-like narrative. is totally guilty of that. There have been quite a few comments while out with her six children under the age of seven. I have heard that you have twins and your children are very close in age. I am totally guilty of gossiping about other people's reactions to my tribe and my parenting.
We could all keep it going. Or… we can take these experiences and force them to see it from a different perspective. People may just be trying to give us sound advice, but their methods aren't the best. Not in all situations, but most of the time. Smile and nod even if you don't completely agree. But I urge you to be kinder to strangers the next time they approach you.
We all could have used more grace and kindness. ”