Andrew Tate Twitter The account was reinstated in late November after Elon Musk lifted his five-year ban. Most recently, he used his return to the platform to taunt climate activist Greta Thunberg and brag to the 19-year-old about his 33 cars and their "massive emissions." "Please provide your email address so I can send you a complete list of my car collection and their huge emissions," Tate wrote to Thunberg. please,” she replied. His ego probably skyrocketed, then slammed into the relentless deletion that followed later in the tweet. More from Rolling Stone It is incomprehensible that Thunberg is not only unenthusiastic about his expensive car collection, but also completely uninterested in any form of conversation with him beyond invoking his SDE. response All Tate could come up with was a question of incredulity. Here's what you have to say about starting the things you can't finish. . Tate, meanwhile, couldn't keep her head up during her Twitter exchange of her three self-initiated tweets. Even though Tate has been suspended from Twitter for five years, his absence hasn't struck a chord in anyone's heart. Best of Rolling Stone
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