Are Electric Cars Lowering Energy Bills In California?

Dan Smith

People often fear change and look for reasons for not wanting to change. Over the past decade, this has certainly been the case for electric vehicles. There are so many misconceptions and so many misleading attacks on electric vehicles. At the same time, public awareness and appreciation of the benefits that EVs bring is not enough. One particularly neglected factor is how EVs can (on average) help drive down energy bills. New research from California shows that's what really happened there. First of all, note that EVs have brought in $1.7 billion in revenue to just three California utilities: Pacific Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and Sempra-owned San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). please. For these three utilities, over the past decade, EVs have "delivered about $1.7 billion more in revenue than their associated costs and lowered rates for all customers." If EV charging has so many benefits, why does it cost less to the average user? Because it works. “The electric power industry is unlike most other industries. In most of the United States, energy grids are not publicly owned, but run by private companies. As such, it is subject to strict controls that seek to protect the public interest while benefiting the utilities.” market watch writing. "This includes pricing and revenue limits. If utilities make a profit, the law requires them to pass some of that profit on to their customers through rate cuts.” (emphasis added) So for these California utilities, EVs are boosting their revenues, and they are mostly charged during periods of low demand, supporting their revenues. All of this means savings and big profits for these three utilities, and therefore savings for all utility rate payers. A 2021 study in Nevada yielded similar results. "The study found that if most drivers in that state went electric, the average electricity bill would drop by $123 a year." $123 a year isn't penny. And that's $1,230 for him in 10 years. I'll take it! The next time you talk to someone who isn't fully convinced in EVs yet, or thinks EVs come with all sorts of risks that gas-powered cars don't have, EVs will lower your electricity bills and, in theory, Disney+ and Hulu. You could bring up the fact that you could save enough money to pay for the bundle. In the spirit of uncovering the benefits of EVs that are often ignored, forgotten, or simply unknown, here are a few more.
  • Electric cars are more convenient than gasoline cars. Waking up to a fully charged EV every morning is far more comfortable than going to the gas station.
  • You don't have to fight constant fluctuating and volatile gas prices. Even if gas prices go up again (which they will), you won't even know it unless a gas driver tells you about it (or you follow the news).
  • Electric cars are much quieter than non-electric cars and do not emit harmful, deadly, carcinogenic and climate-destroying pollutants.
  • instantaneous torque. Do it. you won't look back
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